Welcome to Expovan

From Farm to Flavour: Expovan’s Vanilla Revolution

Ethical Vanilla, Naturally Grown & Handcrafted with Care

Expovan focuses on the sustainable cultivation and processing of high-quality Vanilla beans and its value added products in India. The company sources beans from farmers using advanced cultivation techniques and ensures a 100% buy-back guarantee to the farmers enrolled in its contract farming program under its entity Indian Vanilla Initiative . The beans undergo a meticulous sorting, scalding, drying and conditioning process before being sold as various vanilla products, including gourmet and extraction-grade vanilla pods, vanilla extract, powder and seeds. Expovan emphasises fair-trade practices and aims to bring premium vanilla products to the international and Indian markets.

Naturally Grown Vanilla & Handcrafted with Care

Expovan focuses on the sustainable cultivation and processing of high-quality Vanilla beans and its value added products in India. The company sources beans from farmers using advanced cultivation techniques and ensures a 100% buy-back guarantee to the farmers enrolled in its contract farming program under its entity Indian Vanilla Initiative . The beans undergo a meticulous sorting, scalding, drying and conditioning process before being sold as various vanilla products, including gourmet and extraction-grade vanilla pods, vanilla extract, powder and seeds. Expovan emphasises fair-trade practices and aims to bring premium vanilla products to the international and Indian markets.

Explore the Journey of Vanilla

Discover the careful cultivation and craftsmanship that bring nature’s finest vanilla to your table.

Our Vanilla Products

Explore our vanilla pods, extracts and more.

Vanilla Bean

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla Powder

Vanilla Seeds

With its expertise in vanilla processing, Expovan consistently meets international quality standards. The company is focused on processing vanilla, ensuring end users receive the finest quality vanilla, backed by a commitment to sustainability and excellence.

Featured Certifications and Awards

    • √ International Food Safety Standard
    • √ Brand Reputation Compliance Global Standards (BRCGS)
    • √ India’s National programme For Organic
    • √ United States Department of Agriculture
    • √ Organic Agriculture in European Union
    • √ Rainforest Alliance Certification
    • √ Union for Ethical Bio Trade
    • √ Spices Board of India
    • √ Halal India certificate
    • √ Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
    • √ Kosher Certification Jerusalem
    • √ Export Excellence Award
    • √ Export Promotion Council for EOUs & SEZs (MSME)
    • √ FICCI Tamil Nadu State Council-Convenor- Agri & Food Processing

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